Next week we will be looking
Next week we will be looking at Global Agenda, a shooter-style MMO that brings back memories of Tribes, late night sessions, and pizza boxes. I will predict right now that I will die — a lot. I am under the name of BeauHindman. Come air jordans join me in the new Sonoran Desert and we can pwn some faces together.Remember that we all make mistakes, and we all have different learning curves. A mistake, or even a couple, isn’t an indication that someone is suffering from huntardism. That is part of what makes this disease so difficult to diagnose and treat. It’s only when we see a pattern of stupidity that we are able to diagnose the condition.
The term “huntard” stretches all the way back to vanilla, when all the gold farmers were hunters (and actually farmed). While Christian Louboutin usage of the term has died down a bit due to widespread educational programming, it still exists, and we now know more about the huntard than ever before. Sometimes these bad players are just teenagers with parasitic worms burrowing World of Warcraft Gold through their brains, driving them slowly mad; other times, they’re hillbillies destabilized from imbibing massive quantities of impure corn liquor and generations of profoundly unbiblical procreation.
But more often than not, the classic huntard behaviors aren’t directly related to mental acuity. Modern medical science now knows ed hardy that huntardism is a disease, often infecting newer players who just honestly doesn’t know any better. They’re trying their best. All too often, they’re newer players who got some crazy and foolish advice (usually from other classes) and, not knowing any better, Gucci Handbags have done their best to follow it. But here is hope. Recent studies show that 90% of huntardism is, in fact, curable.Join me after the cut as we take a look at how to identify the warning signs that a friend might be a huntard and how to break the news.