November 17, 2008 in Articles by Steve Tolley
The other day I was thinking about what font to use for a some Photoshop work I was doing, and whilst searching through the many different fonts I had, the one that jumped out at me was Helvetica I don’t quite know what it was about the font that stood out so much to me, was it the simplicity, the beauty or something else, this got me thinking and so I did some research…
Tags: Design, Helvetica, Neue, Popular, Typeface, Typography
October 28, 2008 in Articles by Steve Tolley
After a break for a little while, and concentrating on my University Assignments I am back with another collection of inspirational and stunning images, this time its a collection on beautiful HDR images,
Tags: Beautiful, Collection, HDR, Photographs, Stunning
October 20, 2008 in Contests by Steve Tolley
So it’s been 2 weeks since I announced the 1000 Business card giveaway and today is the day where the winners are announced,
Tags: Announcement, Business, Card, Contest, Winners
October 17, 2008 in Other/Misc by Steve Tolley
Hello! Welcome to the User Link Feed. Anyone can submit links with a short description which will then appear in the sidebar. Links must be approved before appearing and we filter out links that aren’t relevant to the audience. We generally want:
Tags: Articles, Feed, Link, Resources, Submit, Tutorials, User
October 16, 2008 in Designing by Steve Tolley
This tutorial is an addition to the previous wallpaper tutorial I did, as that got such a good response I thought I would make another wallpaper this time using different methods to achieve quite a unique look.
Tags: Color, Colour, Grunge, Photoshop, Texture, Tutorial, Wallpaper
October 6, 2008 in Designing by Steve Tolley
This tutorial will show you the steps and techniques used when creating a CD icon which can be used on websites etc… Very useful as the same techniques can be applied when making other icons/images
Tags: CD, Compact, Design, Disc, Icon, Photoshop, Tutorials
October 4, 2008 in Contests by Steve Tolley
If your a designer, business man/woman, web designer, or have any job where business cards will come in handy then this giveaway is for you…
Tags: Business, Card, Contest, Giveaway, Printing, UPrinting
October 1, 2008 in Articles by Steve Tolley
September has been a crazy month for me, getting prepared for university, trying to maintain this website, starting university and getting stuck in as well as releasing a second website it has all really kept me on my toes, hence the reason for the lack of posts/tutorials over the past week or two, hopefully things are settling down now and I can resume normal posting, roll on october…
Tags: 2008, Articles, Best, Month, Resources, September, Tutorials, Website
September 30, 2008 in Text Effects by Steve Tolley
This is a quick text effect tutorial on how to make a 3D wireframe effect, I will show you the basic principle of how to get the effect and will then leave you to experiment with the other letters,
Tags: Effect, Frame, Quick, Text, Wire
September 21, 2008 in Articles by Steve Tolley
As of this week every sunday I am going to produce a ‘Best of The Week’ Selection where I will look through the weeks top Tutorials, Articles and Resources and produce a list of the best ones found, This being my first some feedback in the comments would be appreciated to say whether or not you like the idea,
Tags: Articles, Best, Collection, Photoshop, Resources, September, Tutorials, Week
September 18, 2008 in Designing, Website News/Updates by Steve Tolley
This tutorial is possibly one of my favourites as I love the outcome, we are going to create a desktop wallpaper with a bit of a difference, we will use a range of techniques and most importantly we are going to use our imagination and creativity skills,
Tags: Colour, Creativity, Pen, Photoshop, Tool, Tutorials, Wallpaper
September 17, 2008 in Website News/Updates by Steve Tolley
Yes that’s right, Buysellads accepted me into their beta period to try out their advertising scheme, so what’s available I hear you ask, well…
Tags: Ad, Ads, Advertise, Buy, Photoshop, Sell, Tutorials
September 16, 2008 in Articles by Steve Tolley
In the 2nd part of my design inspiration article series I asked 2 TOP Designers/Photoshoppers to let me know what inspires THEM in order to see how they come up with their ideas and what artists, websites, sources etc…they use, here are the answers that I got,
Tags: Creativity, Design, Ideas, Inspiration, Top, Tutorial, Websites
September 12, 2008 in Designing by Steve Tolley
This tutorial is an add on from the Poster article the other day, we will create a Retro/Grunge style poster using the pen tool some textures and playing with text to make it look more retro,
Tags: Colour, Grunge, Photoshop, Poster, Retro, Tutorial